If you have questions about the Barney Honors Program, contact Program Director Rebecca Ranucci.
The Honors Program in the Barney School of Business provides a unique academic and co-curricular experience for the most capable and motivated students.
The academic opportunities include honors courses, interdisciplinary seminars, faculty mentoring, and senior projects. The co-curricular activities involve a residential community, honors societies, campus events, and colloquium presentations. All are designed to encourage top students to excel, and upon program completion, earn the special diploma designation of University Honors.
Program Requirements
18+ credits of graded Honors work, including:
- 9 credits of honors general education courses (e.g., honors WRT and UIS) and/or any other approved non-business Honors courses
- 6 credits of “honors contract” courses at the 300–400 level (plus MGT/MKT 282) in the student’s major or program of study, or, when appropriate, an honors seminar
- 3 credits in senior-level Honors: an independent study with a professor within the student’s major (HON493) or an extensive “honors contract” course at the 300–400 level within the student’s major (e.g., a semester-long project).
- An overall Grade Point Average of 3.25+, a 3.25+ in the major, and a 3.0+ in Honors work.
All Honors courses must be taken for a letter grade in order to count toward Honors requirements.
Students who are in the 3+1 Program and maintain the required GPA can also be part of the University Honors Program.

If you have questions about the Barney Honors Program, contact Program Director Rebecca Ranucci.